Just too bloomin cute

Belle and Heath can be as different as night and day sometimes but one thing they have in common is that they both know how to wind me up! Once they have succeeded, they give me the cutest smile and all is forgiven 😉


Take Heath in the vlog below for example, he knows how to say Mamma but he insists on saying Dadda because he finds it hilarious. I am constantly amazed at how, at nearly 15 months, he has already learned how to influence the people around him. He tries to make me laugh, he shows empathy if someone is feeling sad and I especially love how, when he is throwing a tantrum, he can’t resist peeking to make sure you are watching him!

Belle is still full of energy at the moment and although I wouldn’t say she is being a naughty girl, she is definitely testing my patience. She has always been such a good girl and we never really had the terrible twos, threes etc. Whatever we had lasted about a week and it was either when she was particularly exhausted from a new nursery routine or if she was slightly under the weather.

Currently, she seems particularly clingy and whingey. She gets tearful at the thought of being left at nursery and complains if she has to eat lunch there if her best friend doesn’t. She argues every little thing even if she agrees with you, she will argue the opposite. But I know I am grumbling the little things as really, she is such a happy go lucky girl and I am eternally thankful to be her Mum. Every night I kiss and cuddle her before bed and she looks so sweet and content, I truly feel blessed.

I hope you enjoy this Day In The Life vlog. I loved capturing this moment in our lives on film. I know I will watch it time and again in the future. Let me know if you like it too. Bx

My Vlogging Future

I’ve been thinking about my YouTube channel quite a bit recently because it has been tough integrating it in to my life. It takes a lot of time to film, edit and upload a vlog and as fun as it can be at times, more recently it has just been stressful.

YouTube Vlog

I found myself getting more and more frustrated at not having enough time in a day to get everything done and it was putting unnecessary stress on my shoulders. I wanted to quit but Andy said I shouldn’t give up. I just needed to find a balance.

The most upsetting thing for me was saying to Annabelle, ‘Can you please give me five minutes to do the vlog?’. Five minutes turned in to 30 as something went wrong, as it usually does and then just as I finished, Heath woke up from a nap. All she wanted was to spend some quality time with me while her brother was asleep. Up until that point, I had been upset because she was spending more time at nursery in preparation for school next year so to ask her to wait was unfair to her and also went against everything that I was feeling. If I was to continue vlogging, I needed to do it without sacrificing my time with my children.

As my channel is still quite new, I haven’t really found my niche. I’ve been experimenting with filming different types of vlogs to try and find what I enjoy. I think there are a lot of people out there who instantly fill a gap in the YouTube market and while I don’t mind that I am a small fish in a big pond, (well actually, I’m a speck of glitter in a big pond but hey, I’m ok with that) I would like my videos to be a bit different. I don’t want to ‘reinvent the wheel’ so to speak, I just don’t want my videos to be more of the same.

That makes me quite glad that my vlogging hasn’t worked for my life or my channel. I found it hard to remember to film, to find time to put on my makeup before we left the house each morning and to edit and upload on a Sunday. Andy has also been working six days recently and Sunday is the only full day we have together. I know I could change my schedule but to be honest, the upload day was the least of my issues with vlogging.

I hope I have found a new way to continue my YouTube channel moving forward. Let me know what you think of my vlogs so far, what you like and anything you would like to see from me in the future. Bx