What I Got For Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you had a lovely day and are enjoying New Year’s Eve. Before I start writing about the New Year, I thought I would share what I got for Christmas.

bare minerals

The first thing I received was this amazing Bare Minerals Happy Glow Lucky gift set. I really need a decent Winter skincare routine and this should help me achieve a clearer complexion.

naked palette

I have been lusting after a Naked Eye Palette from Urban Decay for as long as I can remember. Andy bought me the original set and I am in love! Annabelle has been desperate to use it but it is definitely going to be hidden out of reach.

oliver bonas

On my Christmas Wish List post, I mentioned this Oliver Bonas Cookbook Stand. It is now sold out but I have added the link in case they restock it. It is described as copper coloured but looks rose gold to me so it is a thing of beauty!

snow fairy

If you know me, you will know that I think Snow Fairy is one of the best scents ever! It is only fitting then that I was given this box from Lush from my brother-in-law. If you haven’t smelt this before it reminds me of eating Wham sweets when I was a child.

Finally, I was given lots of treats and little goodies including a pair of black gloves from Marks and Spencer, Lindt chocolate and Cornish Lust. The latter is a strawberry flavoured creamy liqueur. It is just like Baileys but nicer! It is also available in Tesco so you don’t have to go all the way down to Cornwall to get your hands on some.

What did you get for Christmas this year? Let me know in the comments below. Bx

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