What I Spend in a Week

Hello, it’s been a while… A very long time. I have just uploaded this video to my YouTube channel (see below). I thought I would do something a bit different to my normal vlogs and show you what I buy in a week. It will be a video diary showing all the purchases that I make. I won’t be discussing the monthly outgoings that don’t change eg. mortgage, water bills and after-school clubs etc. but I will show everything that I buy online or from a shop. The reason for filming this is to hopefully allow me to save up money by not spending unnecessarily for things that I don’t need like clothes and makeup. This will also mean that we should have less clutter in our house!
I have been really conscious of my spending since November so as well as not buying a single item of clothing, I have been trying to use things I already own – instead of buying new books, I have read three books this year that I bought a few years ago but hadn’t gotten around to reading.
If you like this type of video, please let me know in the comments below, like the vlog and subscribe to my channel for more. Bx

Not What I Wanted – Blogmas Day 9

Hello again and welcome to Blogmas Day 9. I am on a roll and pretty proud of myself for getting this far. My current record is 23 posts in a row for Blogtober which I did in 2015. For today’s post, I have uploaded a video to my YouTube channel. Crazy huh!

I know I am not the best or most popular vlogger by a mile but I do love capturing my family’s daily life. I filmed a ‘Day in the Life’ on Sunday, when we put up our Christmas tree. I find these types of vlogs the most enjoyable as I really struggle to sit in front of the camera and talk. I look unnatural and uncomfortable most of the time and I can’t really understand why anyone would want to see me talk for more than a minute but those sit down videos tend to be the most watched!

You can today’s video here:

Please let me know if you like watching my DITL videos or if you prefer a sit down one e.g. hauls, chatty updates?

On a different note, I am slowing feeling like I am getting on top of my Christmas to do list. We have one week left of school and two weeks of work. I have bought my secret Santa present and I’m attend work’s party tomorrow. It will probably be a short post tomorrow too and on Sunday I will do a Christmas Party Outfit of the Day (OOTD).

I hope you have a lovely Friday night. Let me know what you are up to and if you liked my YouTube video too. Bx