My Fitness Journey

Last week, after much deliberation, I bit the bullet and signed up for a ten week fitness program at Power10 Bath. I have wanted to exercise and eat well after having my children but always found an excuse not to eg. time (the kids have an after school club, playdate etc. ), work or most importantly, not knowing what to do in a gym if I ever got there!


My primary motivation for signing up to Power10 was my family. Andy, my husband, has been going to the gym three times a week, playing football, riding his bike or running for years now. Initially, he wanted to lose weight, and he lost two stone, but after a short while, it became routine. Admittedly, when he started his fitness kick, we ate quite well together. We still do to be honest but recently, I have been been slipping, snacking on crisps, sweet treats and carbs. I tried to give crisps and chocolate up for Lent but I lasted about 10 days 😦


Belle, my daughter, has also been encouraging me to exercise, well if you call poking me in the tummy and laughing encouragement! To be fair to her, she just wants a mum who can keep up with her when she exercises. She asks for support while she throws her legs in the air attempting head and handstands or attempts to lower herself as she does the splits at least ten times a day! She also loves to dance, gymnastics and to ride her bike.


On a personal level, I have often found it frustrating choosing clothes. I had a big clear out a year and a half ago and struggled to find things to wear since then. I would see a pretty top or dress and avoid buying it because I felt self-conscious about my tummy or my arms. I would buy loose fitting tops and high waisted jeans to cover up the areas I wasn’t happy with.

If I’m being honest, choosing and buying clothes was not as important to me as my health. I don’t buy a lot of clothes for me or for the children, as I have always been conscious the environmental impact of fast fashion etc. When I was about ten years old, I was given a book about recycling, using less water and up-cycling. It made a huge impact on me and I have always chosen clothes that I know I will get a lot of use out of since.

I noticed that my skin was quite bad recently, I had a lot of blemishes, felt really dehydrated and my joints and muscles seemed to ache or feel weak. I found that I was craving sugar and junk food and could see that this easily spiral downwards. I knew I need to take action and take better care of myself.

I also want to set a healthy example for my children. I want them to continue to exercise, eat well, look after their bodies and realise the importance of self-care. It’s so easy to reach for the unhealthy snacks that are full of refined sugar and processed fats. I want them to understand that balance is important and that everything is OK in moderation.

If you would like to follow my fitness journey, I have set up a separate Instagram account: @bethmontgomery. I am obviously not a fitness or health expert so it will just document what I am trying and how I am progressing. Bx

Starting to Exercise

My husband, Andy, has encouraged me to start exercising. It was only a light introduction with planks and press ups but I wanted to do something light today and then build it up gradually. I’m aiming to do something tomorrow morning and then again in the evening.


As you can see, we started off with 3 sets of 20 second planks. This is an exercise I am familiar with from the Yoga and Pilates classes I used to take before I had Annabelle. I used to love going to these classes but my favourite was probably Body Balance. In those classes there is a combination of Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates all set to music.

In the New Year, I am going to start attending a Zumba class with two mummy friends. I am actually really excited for this despite being ridiculously uncoordinated. It’s safe to say I will never win a ‘Best Dancer’ award.

My plan to eat well is also taking steps in the right direction. For lunch today I had a jacket potato with tuna, sweetcorn, baked beans and a tiny dollop of mayonnaise. Normally, I would cover it in handful of cheese which probably 2-3 times more than the recommended daily allowance (1 matchbox size serving).

I am also trying to cut down my snacking but every time I see the Terry’s chocolate orange or Cadbury’s Marvellous Creations, I find it ridiculously hard to resist. I must stop buying them!

Anyway, have you started  eating healthier foods and exercising yet? Let me know what you have done to get the ball rolling. Bx