Santa’s Voicemail

I’m really sorry but I’m going to have to mention the C word… Christmas. It’s been spoken about a lot in our house recently as Annabelle is obsessed. Every morning she asks if it’s Christmas today or if we can put up the tree.


It makes quite a change to the 15 month old girl in this picture who really was quite unsure about the white beard and red suit! We even called Santa today and tried to speak to him. Unfortunately, he was busy sorting out Christmas presents so we had to leave him a voicemail 😉


It makes me really excited for Christmas time this year. Normally, it is just a lovely time to spend with loved ones but there is something about the joy and happiness that children feel that is infectious. I am looking forward to decorating the tree and listening to All I Want For Christmas by the fire. A glass of Rioja and some chocolate would also make it perfect.

Are you excited for Christmas? If not, let me know your favourite time of year. Bx

TBT: Belle 4 years ago

This Throwback Thursday makes me a bit emotional because it is one of the few pictures I have of my Dad with Annabelle. She looks so content sleeping in his arms and at just one week old, it really looks like she is smiling. Knowing her, it is quite fitting because she is such a happy girl and that’s always how I see her. My little ray of sunshine.


Belle turned four at the weekend and to be honest, it hasn’t quite sunk in yet. FOUR! It sounds so weird to say it and even stranger to see it written down.

As you may know, I have spent the last four years as Mummy. I didn’t go back to work for a number of reasons and I’m thankful that I didn’t need to. It meant that I could spend every single day with Belle and watch her grow.

I can say it has been an absolute pleasure and if you get to read this when you are older, my darling girl, THANK YOU! You are the ‘Whole Wide World’ to me (AKA, ‘the bestest girl in the whole wide world’). Love Mummy. xxxxx