My Liebster Award

Thank you to two fabulous blogger mummy friends I have made who have nominated me for the Liebster award. Laura at Dot Makes 4 and Kirsty at Something Crunchy Mummy

Laura’s questions:

1. How did you come up with your blog name?
I couldn’t think of anything imaginative that I liked and didn’t sound terribly cheesy so I was just boring and called it, ‘Beth Denny’.

2. What have you learned from writing your blog?
That even though writing the personal stuff is really difficult, it is the most rewarding. I have made new friends, reconnected with old friends and strengthened existing friendships too.

3. What made you start writing?
I was really inspired by Autumn Reeser’s blog. She had monthly updates for her first son Finn and was sharing her adventures and I just loved everything about it. Initially, I was too scared to write about similar things because I didn’t think anyone would enjoy reading it but since I started writing about what I wanted I have had a better response overall.

4. What is your favourite word?
I love the word ‘onomatopoeia’ to say and because of how it sounds but I love the word ‘family’ because of the way it makes me feel.

5. What is the best place you’ve visited?
Skala in Kefalonia, Greece. It was my first real holiday with my husband who was my boyfriend at the time and I loved everything about it.

6. What are you most passionate about?
Other than family, I love food. Eating it, watching cookery shows, seeing beautiful pictures of it etc. Mmmm.

7. Do you ever get writer’s block?
Yes. I have been trying to write about Postnatal Depression, Breastfeeding and the first few weeks postpartum for the last three years and I just can’t do it.

8. What is your favourite book?
I enjoy reading books by Emily Giffin especially ‘Something Borrowed’. It is pure chick lit but I love immersing myself in someone else’s world.

9. What is the best meal you’ve ever eaten?
Ooh that’s a tough one. Mmm. It might be at the Lewinnick Lodge in Newquay, Cornwall when my husband and I got engaged. The chef at the time has since opened up his own business and we’ve had really good meals since but that was a good day so it made the meal taste nicer!

10. What is your favourite thing to blog about?
My family. I love taking pictures, editing them and then writing a post. Love it.

11. What is your favourite season?
Summer. The sun just makes me so happy.

Kirsty’s questions:

1. How long have you been blogging?
Since September 2013. Wow, that seems so long ago when I see it written like that!

2. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee. I do like a cup of tea especially after Heath was born but I had to avoid caffeine for a while as I was anaemic and apparently it stops iron from being absorbed in to your body.

3. Where would your dream holiday destination be?
I’d love to go to the Maldives. This won’t be possible until the children are older though.

4. What is your favourite colour?
Green because it is the colour of prosperity.

5. If you had no fear what would be the one thing you would do?
Become an actor. I was told that I was a good actress by a professional teacher but I never persued it because I lacked self-confidence.

6. Is there anyone people say you look like?
Apparently I look like Myleene Klass when I wear make-up. I can’t see the resemblance personally!

7. What is your favourite book?
See question 8, above.

8. What children’s tv programme really annoys you?
Me Too on Cbeebies! Argh! It. Is. So. Annoying!

9. If you could do any job in the world what would it be?
I think I’d like to be an actress.

10. What is your favourite food?
Cheese. Does that count? If not, something with cheddar cheese in like a jacket potato with cheese and beans.

11. What do you love about blogging?
If you’d asked me this a few months ago, I would’ve said writing posts but now I’d have to say that it is being inspired by the new mummy bloggers I have met through Twitter.

I nominate:

1. MadebySteffiB
2. Dear Twans
3. Raising3andme
4. Jakkie Burton
5. The Determined Housewife
6. Heels and Hooves
7. Me Add Three
8. Baba B Makes Three
9. Mrs B’s Kitchen
10. The Secret Window
11. Family Heights

My questions for you:

1. What is your most favourite part of the day?
2. Which celebrity, if any, most inspires you?
3. Does your favourite colour reveal anything about your personality?
4. If you could change your career, what would you like to do?
5. What is your favourite song at the moment?
6. What is your favourite food?
7. Do you vlog and if not, would you try it in the future?
8. What do you love most about blogging?
9. What do you like to do in your free time?
10. What is your favourite television show?
11. Where is your favourite holiday destination?

Apologies if you have already been nominated for this award. If you have, please feel free to send me your links so I can have a little read. Happy blogging! Bx

2 thoughts on “My Liebster Award

  1. Congratulations on your Liebster Award! That is amazing and I’m very happy for you, and it was great reading your responses to the questions. Writing about personal life can be hard as often you don’t know how the ones close to you will react to that and basically anyone can see what blog online. Relieving hard times is hard when we try to put it down in words…it’s something I’m still learning as a writer too but when we do write about the hard times, we remind ourselves of important lessons.

    I’ve really enjoyed following your blog. We certainly are at different parts of life, but I feel I’ve learnt so much more about family life and juggling it all through your posts and Instagram. And you now do some vlogs, you really do have so much enthusiasm. So keep up the good work 🙂

    p/s: I also think you look like Myleene Klass.

    1. Thank you, Mabel. I’ve learnt a lot about my own writing style from reading your articles. I really like your tone and style and find a lot of inspiration from your topics.
      I am finding it easier to juggle family life now. I think it is down to finding a daily rhythm and flexible routine as well as the children growing up and developing more of an understanding day by day.
      Ha, ha! I’ve only seen a resemblence to Myleene in some pictures from her childhood!

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