Happy Birthday Daddy! – Blogmas Day 21

I’ve heard a lot of people say that it gets easier to live with grief as time passes. Not because you miss or love those who have left us any less but simply because you learn to cope better. I’m not sure I entirely believe that because I seem to be thinking about my Dad and my Cousin quite a lot recently. They both would have celebrated their birthdays this month with my Dad turning 72 today.


December is always a tough month for me for these reasons. It is always busy in the lead up to Christmas so I can easily distract myself but as the day slows down and the end of the month approaches, I find frequent reminders around me. There will be an older man who dresses like my Dad or a young man who bears a striking resemblance to my Cousin.

I think the saddest part for me is the thought not being able to spend Christmas with departed loved ones. My children have never spent Christmas with my Dad and he never even got to meet Heath. I am lucky that I have a close relationship with my Uncle as he is like a father to me and is another ‘grandfather’ to my children. This thought makes me very happy because growing up, my maternal grandfather lived in Thailand so I would see him once every two years and I never knew or met my paternal grandfather.

OK, I have to go as I have spent too long writing this post and I have some last minute Christmas shopping to do before I miss the delivery cut offs. I hope you are well and see you tomorrow for Day 22! Bx

The tradition continues…

Every year I always post on my Daddy’s birthday and it is a tradition that I will continue for as long as I can.


I obviously miss my Dad throughout the year but December is always a difficult month for me as not only is it another birthday spent without him but it is another Christmas too.

Christmas never really used to be magical for me as an adult. I always thought it was a lot of hype and a bad excuse to spend money on presents you or the receiver feel obliged to give and never really like but Andy has always loved it and his enthusiasm is really infectious. Now that we have children together, we feel the excitement that they feel and it is lovely to see them with their Grandparents and how much fun and laughter we have.

Of course I am sad that the children won’t experience Christmas with my Dad. I can imagine what he would like. I can picture his face watching Annabelle opening the presents. His laughter booming around the room as Heath clowns around. His eyes lit up with joy. He also would of chosen a pretty big and traditional card too. One of those really cheesy snowy landscapes with a house and snowman! My Dad was a man of habit 😉

I hope you have a lovely Christmas if I don’t write between now and then. I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank you for reading my blog. Lots of love to you and your loved ones. Bx